Who Is Christopher Bauer?
Christopher Bauer is a clinical psychologist by training with over thirty years of experience as a speaker, trainer, author, and consultant on professional ethics. Between speaking, coaching, and consulting, he has worked with front-line workers to senior executives and everyone in-between. Clients have run the gamut from small and medium sized businesses and organizations to every level of staff and management at Fortune 500 corporations.
His articles on how to build and maintain great ethics in the workplace have appeared in such journals as CEO Refresher, CFO Magazine, Financial Executive, Internal Auditor, and many other print and online publications for a wide range of professions. He also publishes a free “Weekly Ethics Thought” seen by thousands of readers worldwide. (Subscribe here!)
Because of his unique contribution to the prevention of ethics problems, Dr. Bauer has been recognized with the Certified Fraud Specialist designation by the Association of Certified Fraud Specialists. He has also earned the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speaker’s Association, the highest earned designation offered by the world's largest organization of professional speakers. In addition to his membership in the National Speakers Association, he is also a member of the Global Speakers Federation and the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.

© 2024 by Christopher Bauer & Bauer Ethics Seminars